Archive | April, 2013


Breathe sanskrit main

All of us need reminders to breathe, don’t we? Stop what you’re doing, look up and breathe!! The design can be found here.

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Baby blanket

BlanketI just returned from a few days visiting my brother, sister-in-law and their first born. He is 6 months old. I got to hang out with him and get my baby fix! A sweet child who is only waking up once or twice a night and is happy in the stroller and car seat!  Here is the blanket that I mentioned a few posts back. I used a pattern from Debbie Stoller’s Stitch and Bitch book. It has a seed stitch border and switches between knit and purl stitches as the main body of the blanket. Not a great photo but you get the idea.

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Customized design

New design! A mom requested a necklace for her 16-year-old daughter. After a few emails back and forth, I created this design for her. Can be found in my shop!


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